Ah, a beach of dreams, popularized as the place to go during Spring Break, but also a haven for Europeans and the older crowd. But it is now the late 1980s. You thought crochet bikinis died in the 60's? Think again. Annie l'String has a store here (FL87TE). You can also buy bikinis at Splish Splash, Bikini Casuals and Bikini Separates on the strip and down the back streets. Ft. Lauderdale is the home of The Candy Store and an unparalled daily Bikini Contest, about much legend abounds (PB8301, FL8410). Contestants from a February 1986 afternoon wear a collection of bikinis on the smaller side; buttage is much in play (FL8611), and bandeaux outnumber halters four to two (FL8603, Fl8604, FL8605, FL8606, FL8607, FL8608). The observers, including some participant-prospects, are equally scantily attired (FL8609). At the Pier One Resort both the old and young test outrageous provocations, including unusual reties (FL8600, FL8612), unties (FL8602), and absolutely minimal beachwear (FL8601). Across the highway, at the Marina Inn, the vacation crowd is differently overexposed (FL8706, FL87GA). And as for tangas and g-strings. Well...you see them here first: the black tanga at Pier One (FL8601), flappeds at The Candy Store (Fl8604, FL8607), and oiled butts on the main beach (FL8613). Venue expands the following year to include a flapped beachwalking (FL8715), the first maillot tanga (FL8717), and a g-string parading Ocean Avenue (FL8710). Not all tanga is so public, and some of the pictures are assembled from private sources (PB870H, PB87BC, PB87DA, PB87CA, PB87SE, PB87JA). Maillots account for a small percentage of swimsuits at this youthful location, but even when they appear they are not conservative, such as this sidering miokini which bears little difference from a bikini (FL8614), this deep V-neck which slashes to the belly in front (FL8616), or this wrap, which only covers the front of the body (FL8627). On Ocean Avenue bikini-clad bicyclists (FL8617, FL8618) weave among parked cars dispatching girls who wear their bikinis everywhere (FL8619), with the new adjustables being a costume for the most agressive (FL8623, FL8624), some perched on car hoods (FL8716). The beach includes older women with very low-cut waistlines (FL8621), very low-cut necklines (FL8622), showers by the sidewalk (FL8620), and minimally-clad bikiniites with and without croptops (FL8625-26). |