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Ridley Roberts Half Tops & Maillot Half Combinations

Studio 28, New York
December 1987 RD8725

   All combinations of the following three tops and three bottoms (9 costume combinations):
   RD8725A: Imitation Kamali red suspender maillot and blue bandeau, also with other tops and topless.
   RD8725B: Julio blue center-strapped T-front maillot and black bra, also topless and with other tops.
   RD8725C: Orange single shoulder strap single barebreasted maillot and yellow halfbra, also topless and with other tops.


   This set presents combinations of halftops and maillots. This blue bandeau is combined with a red strapped maillot (1), an orange single barebreasted maillot (2), and a blue T-front (3). Three closeups follow, not that the blue is worn outside the orange in the closeups whereas it is worn inside in the full figures (4, 5, 6).
   Next, a yellow halfbra is combined with the three maillots (7, 8, 9), also in closeups (10, 11, 12). Finally, the three maillots are modeled alone (13, 14, 15), also in closeup (16, 17, 18).

   The combinations of three different maillots and three different tops provide various degrees of coverage. See also RT85DB.
   The order also is also a layering theme (JD89E).

   Fantasmo. 18 pictures.
RD872501.JPG RD872502.JPG RD872503.JPG
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RD872510.JPG RD872511.JPG RD872512.JPG
RD872513.JPG RD872514.JPG RD872515.JPG
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