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First Timer Changes Into a Topless Tanga

Aberge Jetty, Guadeloupe
February 1988 G8823

   Topless red nombril.
   Topless and red and grey sidestrapped tanga.

   TMLB > TMLBA. Tan lines on buttocks.

   This morning this woman, along with her husband, roosts on an embankment slightly overlooking the main beach (1). The subject is topless and wears a bikini bottom, which has slid partially into her buttocks, showing her tan line (2).
   Late yesterday her husband bought her a red tanga; it is her first. Now she heads to the ocean, carrying it with her hand. She has to walk around the beach to get to the ocean, and she does this topless, classifying her as a long ranger and apart from most of the bikiniites here this season who put their tops on first. She wades out into waist-deep water and changes out of the nombril and into the tanga. This too is highly charged behavior. She comes into shallower water, lies down in the surf, and rolls around while her husband takes pictures of her from his vantage point using a telephoto lens.
   When he is done, and with her original briefs in hand but her butt now bared, she returns to her towel and her husband. She lies belly-down on her beach chair (3). It is clear from the easily visible tan lines on her behind (4) that this tanga is a new dimunion (5). Later, after she rolls over onto her back; it is obvious from looking at her areolas that although her buttocks exposures may be new her topless exposures are not (6).

   Tan lines suggest this subject is inexperienced in tanga and that this is likely her first outing. And for a review of topless tanga in general consult the Bikini Science Times (1995-2000). One man (G8878) and two other women at Guadeloupe bare their butts with g-strings this visit, both of these wear g-strings (G8880, G8881).

   Wildlife. 6 pictures.
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