Coconuts, Cocoa Beach, Florida May 1991 CB91C8 Costume Red and white string halter and sidetie string bikini. White front-button bra and jeans shorts. TML. Actions This young lass readies herself to leave the beach and is standing on the sidewalk near Coconuts. She pulls a pair of jean shorts on over her bikini bottoms, then dons s white bra top overtop her halter (1), buttoning it down the front (2). Then she pulls the string knots loose (3), and pulls the halter out from underneath the bra and away from her (4), leaning forward as she completes the action. Commentary The student of Bikini Science changings will appreciate this maneuvear as a skillfully executed layered changing. In this case the bottom half of the bikini is covered up, but the top half is replaced by covering it up and removing the smaller top underneath. Source Wildlife. 4 pictures. |