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Ancient Manners Aphrodite's Woods and Cleopatra's Castle

Palace, Ancient Greece Arabia
1900 (600BC) AM600BS

   Chrysis gatekeeper: Topless with long translucent belted skirt. Sandals.
   Demetrios: Robe barechested.
   Chrysis bath: Nude.
   Chrysis' slave Djala: Topless and wrap skirt. Hat.
   Cleopatra: Nude, also with beaded belt waistband with dangle. Ankle bracelets. Key.
   Berenice: Robe over nude; barebreast.
   Chrysis banquit: Sheer see-through tunic, later barebreasted with a sash, nude with cape. Sandals. Necklace.
   Dervishes: Topless and veils.
   Cleopatria's slave Melitta: Nude.

   Chrysis gatekeeper: TMB. M-2. Bellage.
   Demetrios: C. Arms, feet.
   Chrysis bath: TMLBAP.
   Djala: TMB.
   Cleopatra: TMLBAP. Shaven.
   Berenice: B.
   Chrysis banquit: TB > TMLBAP. Armpits.
   Dervishes: TMB.
   Melitta: TMLBAP.

   As told in the book, the young topless gatekeeper who moistens Demetrios' eyelids is Chrysis, who uses the soaked ends of her long hair (1). The suitors of Aphrodite, or any of her maidens in her Woods beyond, must have their "glance" sanctified by bathing their eyelids prior to entering her woods and gazing upon her.
   Chrysis reports the presence of the suitor directly to her Queen, Cleopatra and then bathes nude in the clay fountain inside the palace walls (2). Before the feast she enjoys her entire body painted by her slave, Djala. Later Chrysis sits on her marble chair, caresses her colorful flesh, and listens Djala sing love-songs from India (3), "Thy navel is a deep pit in a desert of deep sand, and thy belly a young kid lying on its mother's breast."
   Elsewhere in the palace the young and slender Queen rises, nude, from her daybed (4). Her slave bathes and shaves her, paints her nails, and rouges her nipples, face, and lips. Later that day Cleopatra, now dressed solely in a beaded belt, crosses the courtyard, followed by her sister Berenice (5). Berenice is nude underneath her robe, which she gathers around her. The key Cleopatra holds opens the door to the dungeon beneath where she keeps her latest lover, and ensures he is faithful to her alone.
   Some long time afterwards, Cleopatra crosses the courtyard again, now lit up by the rays of the full moon. The shadow of a palm tree caresses her still naked hips and she sees her shadow rippling in the pond.
   At the festival Chyrsis and 11 other girls let their sheer skirts fly as they dance in pairs (6). Chrysis, wearing only veils, stands before the altar and consecrates her necklace in front of the priest as the audience watches (7). As the sun sets, Chrysis runs up the staircase spiralling the palace, bares her body to the cheering crowd, and uses her skirt as a cape (8). To quote the ancients, "Soon they formed in couples, and without interrupting their step, unfastened their girdles and let their pink tunics glide to the ground." And, her climb later,"...as she mounted, her gleaming skin took on all the magnificence of flesh, blood, fire..."
   Elselwhere a young Greek slave, still a teen, carries a tray of figs to her mistresses, the Queen (9). The nude slave's name is Melitta and she has taken a fancy to Demetrios, lover of the jealous Cleopatra.

   These plates, from a 1900 English language but printed in France book, are an example of the Arabesque fascination of Europe, with the themes of the harem, slavery, rank, heroes, Queens and Greek Gods. The story is a condensation.

   Scanned from Pierre Louys, Ancient Manners, Printing Press of Charles Herissey, Evreux, France, c. 1900, pp.115. Fantasy based on original captions. 9 pictures.
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