Rooftop, New York City July 1988 NY8810 Costume Blue patterned pasties and g-string. Topless and red g-string. TMLA. N-6. TMLBA. N-5. Actions Two young women sun themselves on their backs on a fifth floor rooftop in New York. One is totally topless, the other wears pasties (1). Their physical isolation is complete, but their visual isolation is not--they are in full view of thousands of windows higher up--people who can look down but not get near. So are the pasties a form of modesty of one of the two sun worshipers? "Oh no. That's not it at all. But when you suntan topless your areola get brown and they never, believe me, never, become pink again. You might loose all your tan, but your nipples never go back. Just look at all the French women if you don't believe me. So if you wear pasties which are just the size of your areola, you can keep your areola pink." I see. And her companion? "Oh, that's such nonsense. I just like the sun on my tits and I don't want anything in the way." Commentary A theory to test. Source Recounted to the Bikini Scientist. 1 picture. |