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SOL Mark Bathing Beauties

c. 1920s VG000BBS

   Maillot pantaloons and shoes, hats, parasols.


   The SOL gals are typical of the flapper swimsuit model and are compared to others of the period, most likely early 1920s (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18). The leglines are daring and the poses provocative.

   Models in the early 1920s tend to be slightly heavier, with thicker legs and rounder bellies. Green is a common color for the swimsuits.

   Public domain. Hand-tinted postcards, S.O.L. Mark (SOL in flower and eye), France, 3.5 x 5.5 inches c. 1920-25. Date is estimation. Collected from postcard reprints (Dover Press); the Internet; Badideas, risqué Nudes Pre 30s [CD-ROM] Disk 1, 2007; Tallulah's Flapper Fashion CD, 2007; Tallulahs "Flapper Swimsuits Downloads," 2007. The SOL set numbers are interwoven with these and other models posing both topless and nude (search google "picticon SOL Mark" for more information). 18 pictures.
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