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Harem Women Grende Piscine de Brousse

Turkish Baths, Constantinople
1885 JG188510

   Nudes, a few with towels.

   TB. TMLBAP. Shaven or opaqued.

   A black woman and a white woman walk past the pool arm in arm. Other women sit by the pool, and enjoy the pool's water (1).

   Inside the Turkish baths, an example of Nude Beach. For more of Gérome's work and the Orientalist view of Arab baths, see The Classical Bath in the Bikini Science Times.

   From Gerald M. Ackerman, Les Orientalistes: Jean-Léon Gérome, ACR Edition Internationale, Courbevoie, Paris, 1986, p. 139. Ackerman #334. 1 picture.